Canyonland National Park

Publié le par Sophie, Olivier, Caroline, Nicolas et Rémy

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Une petite brochure en Français

Island in the Sky District/Canyonlands National Park

Located 36 miles northwest of Moab via State Highway 313.

From the high broad mesas of the “Island”, the canyons of the
Green and Colorado Rivers are showcased from easily accessible viewpoints along a paved road. There are no services or water available on the Island, but the visitor center is open all year. 

Allow 3 hours, longer for hiking.

The Maze District/Canyonlands National Park

Located 46 miles southwest of Green River off State Highway 24.

The Maze is the most inaccessible of the three park districts, requiring
4-wheel drive to explore its rugged interior.

Horseshoe Canyon is accessible by 2-wheel drive and offers hikers an opportunity to view “The Great Gallery”, one of the finest panels of Indian pictographs to be found.

Dead Horse Point State Park

 Located 34 miles NW of Moab. Allow 3 hours.

Offers dramatic views of the La Sal Mountains, Canyonlands
National Park and the Colorado River 2,000 feet below. An almost isolated island-mesa, the area was at one time used as a natural corral for wild horses. A visitor center and museum are open year-round. 


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